Heidelberg University AssociationScholarships

Heidelberg University Association works together with alumni and the transatlantic community to support study at Heidelberg University for students and teachers.

Studying at Heidelberg University is a relatively affordable option, but students may still encounter financial difficulties that prevent them from experiencing all that Ruperto Carola has to offer. Most of our scholarships are funded by donations from our community, and we are proud to make opportunities available to as many individuals as possible through our scholarship programs. Read more about each scholarship and apply below.

Please consider donating to ensure continued opportunity for students at Heidelberg University.

Learn more about the HAUS Scholarship and HAUS Summer School Scholarships below.

HAUS Scholarship

HAUS Summer School Scholarship

2019 HAUS Scholarship recipients Kimberlyn Bailey and Mohammed Saad Farooq


Donate To A Scholarship Fund

Our scholarships expand access to Heidelberg University's traditions of excellence and innovation. We are grateful for the contributions from alumni and friends who have made these scholarships possible. We rely on the continued generosity of our community to create opportunity for future generations of students, and we hope that you will add a one-time or recurring donation to one of our scholarship funds to your annual giving plan. Please consider a donation to one of scholarship funds and ensure that Heidelberg University can live up to its motto semper apertus -- always open.

Make a Donation