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HAUS Regional Chapters & Leadership

HAUS Regional Chapters

HAUS Regional Chapters are dedicated to building and maintaining a network of current and former students, graduates, researchers, staff, professors, and other friends of Heidelberg University at the local level. Given the challenges of building and maintaining an alumni organization over the vast geographical expanse of the United States, the Leadership Committee quickly moved to establish Regional Chapters across the country. A HAUS Regional Chapter can be formed anywhere in the U.S. where there is a geographical concentration of alumni, and where common activities can be organized. The goals of the HAUS Regional Chapters are to:

  • Provide opportunities for networking among fellow Heidelbergers within a specific metropolitan area or geographic region;
  • Create and maintain a sense of community among alumni and other individuals with Heidelberg affiliations, HAUS and the university;
  • Encourage Heidelbergers of all generations to maintain contact with Heidelberg University and to foster a sense of pride in and understanding of what Heidelberg University is today;
  • Promote commitment to the university’s achievements and goals by encouraging volunteer assistance for its recruiting, mentoring, scholarship, fund-raising and other efforts;
  • Offer events tailored to the desires and interests of the local group.

Each HAUS Regional Chapter has a Regional Chapter Chairperson or pair of Co-Chairs. Please have a look below to see if there is a HAUS Regional Chapter near you.

HAUS Regional Chapters


Chair position currently open
Northern California
Chair position currently open
Southern California
Chair position currently open
Chicago Metropolitan Area/Midwest
John Dillon, Edward Potash, and Christoph Stokowski
Heike Heinzelmann Kranz and Siegfried Ruppert
New York Metropolitan Area
Nina Brandt
Mark Peeples Ph.D.
Dr. Anita Heeren
Washington D.C.
Rada Carmichael and Sarah Rice

HAUS Leadership Committee

The HAUS Leadership Committee consists of six members who can serve up to two, 3-year terms. The Leadership Committee helps to establish the overall goals and direction for HAUS. Members also create ad hoc subcommittees from time to time to oversee special projects. The current Leadership Committee members are below.

HAUS Leadership Committee


Kathleen Lance
Diane Ficke
Communications Officer
Dr. Diane Guido
Nancy Stuhlmuller Hitscherich
Dr. Adi Puplampu
Fahiya Rashid
Dr. Katja Simons
HUA Executive Director (member ex officio)

Resources for HAUS Leadership
